What is to be done in such a scenario when the old school business tools, concepts, and training do not come in handy and there is a requirement of aggressive creation of new and advanced business models? To assure success the strategists of present times are in need of a discipline and a thought process which is the basic requirement of becoming a successful entrepreneur, A strategically well-planned practical frame of thinking as well as acting in the environments that are quick changing, fast paced and with least certainty and surety. What is required is both the need of revitalizing the organization in order to grasp new opportunities as well as to set entrepreneurial guidelines that one can use to modify and develop the areas in which they compete.

There are an ample number of lessons taken from the leading companies as well as the entrepreneurs, through which the aspirant entrepreneur can learn the set of exercises for capitalizing on rapid changes as well as uncertainties. The aspirant entrepreneurs require adapting a habitual discipline of the successful entrepreneur by strategically avoiding the rules and thinking of the old school. Some of the entrepreneur ways required for breakthrough that we will discuss in detail are: the ways to avoid the mutilating uncertainty by creation of an entrepreneurial blueprint that forms the shared understanding of the prioritization of the goals that are to be accomplished and the goals that will be worthwhile; Creation of new opportunities as well as a register which would help one to mobilize revolutionary ideas for redesigning and recreation of the already existing products, discovering new limits that can be reached in terms of the already existing market, utilizing the massive upside breakthrough potential etc.; Creating a motivational business portfolio as well as the guidelines that would constantly move an organization to its future; Dynamic execution of ideas so that the aspirant entrepreneur can move faster, with confidence to undue risk; finally we would discuss ways of developing an entrepreneurial mindset that would create a dynamic climate in the organization. To succeed in the unpredictable world, one needs a sharp strategy as well as correct disciplines for emerging as a successful, independent entrepreneur that will be discussed ahead.