Having a clear picture of the requirements of the speech content is very important, as it ensures the speech is designed around this feature. Deviating from this would result in content that is not connective to the issues intended and therefore render the speech inappropriate.

The speech should also have three very clear sections, and this would include an introduction, a mid section and a conclusion. All three of these parts are very important and should hold a different significance to the entire theme. The introduction should ideally be designed around the idea of drawing the interest of the audience and holding it long enough to ensure an effective launch into the mid section. The mid section should be where the actual information on the topic discussed is actually presented. This is then followed by the conclusion which should be designed to have enthralled the audience so much that they would now be eager to consider follow up actions. During the course of creating the speech, there are also elements that should be considered and omitted, and these would include the repetition of points, as this would end up giving the audience the impression that there is really no other substance to the speech and bore them, the use of jargon which is really not understood by the majority of the audience and here again causing boredom and even irritation and the delivery that is not forceful and too soft to be audible enough for the audience.