Video blogging is steadily emerging as one of the newest, hottest Internet trends. However, as the art of the video blog – often called “vlogging,” “vidding,” or “vidblogging” by lovers of the craft – is still relatively new as compared to more traditional methods of information dissemination over the Internet, so many people aren‟t exactly familiar with the ins and outs of the process. That‟s where this primer comes into help. With this in hand, you can go out there and tackle your cyber audiences with the pomp and flash that video blogging offers. The salience of this technique on the Information Superhighway may surprise you.

If you‟ve been on the Internet for any period of time at all, you‟re likely familiar with the blog. A blog – short for “weblog” – is essentially a stream of articles that is constantly being updated. Blogs are used for several purposes across the Internet, from self-promotion to corporate memo slinging to self-expression and nearly anything in between. Blogs have great value to websites that use them properly – through a blog, a website can both show how active it is as well as reach out constantly to the website‟s viewers with new, updated information.