Ah, the humble dog. Furry bearer of unconditional love, affection, companionship - and a rocket-powered babe magnet to boot. You can almost see your new dog right now . . . running in the sun, chasing Frisbees, doing adorable tricks, puking on the rug at 3 a.m., chewing up your entire porno collection, shedding on everything in sight . . . Still want a dog? Then step right up, you've come to the right place. Rearing a dog is like rearing a kid. Some dog owners PREFER to rear dogs than kids. But rearing & caring a dog take up a lot of your time. That is why you got this ebook for more information about rearing a dog for the first time, or just wanted to get more information.


Enjoy this ebook. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the times you have with your dog. No wonder people said that “Dogs are man’s best friend” Here's the dog-owner's mantra, read it CAREFULLY: A dog is a living thing. A dog is a living thing. A dog is a living thing.