Hi there fellow or future Pit Bull owner! I wanted to take a few moments to explain what this ebook will be teaching you, who I am, why I feel qualified to teach you, and why this is important to me personally. The aim of this ebook guide is to give you more information about the breed known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, or the Pit Bull, so that you can make a more knowledgeable decision before deciding to make them an addition to your family. In addition, you will be learning where the breed originated from, why they were bred, and why they CAN be loveable additions to your family, whether it's a single person family unit, or an entire houseful! Also, I will be discussing the process of purchasing a Pit Bull pup from a reputable breeder, choosing the right pup for your family unit, and how you can enjoy your Pit Bull in ANY setting.

As to who I am and why I feel qualified to teach this information, let me begin by saying that I am NOT a professional dog trainer or handler. But, what I AM is a Pit Bull owner who has had actual experience raising and living with Pit Bulls. Yes PLURAL! I love my 3 Pits more than any other dogs I have EVER OWNED, which includes such breeds as the Cock-a-Poo (Cocker Spaniel/Poodle Mix for those that don't know), Irish Setters, Collies, Chow Mix Breed, and a German Shepard. I have also read extensively on the Pit Bull and want to share all the helpful information I have learned, through reading and applying with every Pit Copyright©2005 E-Book Emporium.us – PitsAsPets.com http://www.pitsaspets.com owner, or potential Pit Bull owner, that might find it useful in raising their Pit Pup