Studies have shown that bullies are made and it is not a negative behavioral pattern a person is born with, therefore it is possible to control such impulses and this is best done at a very early age where the initial signs can be detected by those living in close proximity to the child. Popular perception of the terrible two times in a child’s life is the starting point of asserting their will and if this is left uncorrected, it will eventually cause the child to evolve into a bully. Most bullies are very careful thinkers and are sensitive to those around them as they are usually able to identify the most like and suitable target before making their move.

They usually pick on individual who lack assertiveness and radiate a clear aura of fear and uncertainty that immediately presents the ideal picture of being a target. A good percentage of bullies eventually evolve into fairly normal grownups but yet they are still very much capable of being assertive when the occasion calls for such a display.