If only you could concentrate more, you could probably accomplish almost anything. This might sound somewhat hyperbolic but it’s true. Ultimately, success often comes down to who is willing to work the hardest and the longest and if you put more effort into anything then you’ll be more likely to succeed. Imagine for a moment that you are a writer who earns $2 for every 100 words you write. That might not seem like much, but now imagine that you were able to write 25,000 words a day. Now you’re earning a lot, right? That’s $500 a day! In your job, you probably aren’t paid based directly on your output but that doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve more by working harder or longer. Ask yourself this: how many hours of your working day do you really spend producing your optimal amount of output? For most of us, we only really work our very best for a couple of hours a day. The rest of the time we spend looking at e-mails, we spend surfing the web or we spend on Facebook.

Imagine if you had infinite concentration. Imagine if you could work solidly for the full eight hours. You’d accomplish more than the rest of your team put together and it would only be a matter of time before your salary 6 reflected that. You’d never have to stay late and in fact you’d probably get to go home early a lot of the time.