The hardest part of any new habit is pulling through the first month, particularly the 1st several days. When you've made it through those first thirty days, it's much simpler to continue as you've overpowered inertia. When we consider changing a habit for good, we frequently psych ourselves out before we start. Believing we have to give something up for a lifetime is too overpowering to even think about. Enter the 30 -day test. Rather than committing to a lasting change, your goal is to make a littler temporary dedication.

Try out your new habit for only thirty days. After that you're free to stop and go back to your old ways. It's merely one month out of your life. That isn't so tough, is it? Exercise every day for thirty days. Abandon television for thirty days. Arise at five daily for thirty days. Consider each 30-day test as a fun and intriguing challenge. You're simply conducting a test to determine if you like it.