Self esteem is important. Feeling good about who you are and having confidence in yourself is something everyone should do, but many don’t. The problem often lies in that they try to do something when they’re younger and fail at it. If it happens more than once, they begin to lose confidence in their abilities and too many times, never gain it back. Often, self esteem keeps us from reaching our goals. If you don’t feel good about yourself, you often don’t realize things you’re good at. When you’re told negative things about yourself from childhood, it’s hard to turn those feelings around. It’s time you stop giving yourself a pity party. Open your eyes. Dig deep inside yourself and discover what it is that makes you special. You can do it!

You may be saying, “You don’t know me. I don’t have anything I’m good at.” You can say that until you’re blue in the face, and I’ll never believe it. Why? It’s simple. I’ve been there and done that. I’d say at one point in our lives everyone has felt like they’re not good at anything. It’s time to get over that negative self-talk and move on to finding that talent that is buried within you. There are several ways to find out what your expertise is. Of course, if your opinion is that you can’t do anything, don’t rely on yourself for impartial judgment on that. You are, however, a good place to start.