I’ll start here first. Basically your whole strategy - I want to talk about that. If it’s going to be a cover letter then it should actually read like a letter - as if you were actually writing this letter to a friend. You know, "Dear John" - or if you don’t have their name then "Dear Friend"? OK? And no letterhead at the top. You can put your business name down the bottom if you want - I mean I’m just talking about actually doing this in your computer program, where you actually, down the bottom, type your business name and a phone number if you want to. But don’t put it on letterhead? No. I’m saying, make it a letter. Make it a letter. And if that’s too hard for you then put it on a letterhead, go with that anyway, because what I am about to tell you will help you out regardless. But I want to give you an overall strategy here: we like reading letters from friends, but we don’t like reading ads. Yep. Sure. And you’ve got to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. When they receive this they’re going, "Who are these guys? E-hygiene. Never heard of ya. OK, what’ve you got? What’ve you got?" You know. And they make a decision like that. "Who are these guys? What are they doing?" And if you have a nice, inviting letter you get past that whole approach. They think, "OK. Dear John. OK. Blah, blah, blah." And it’s a whole different feel. So that the overall feeling I want to give you, I’m going to tell you how to do that in just a second. But with something like this, with your offer - I’m unclear as to what it is. What exactly are you offering? This "Free 14 day trial" of what?

The Germozone. So they can actually have the product in their place for 14 days - and then down the bottom there’s a free survey and report valued at $195.00. What’s that? Well basically what we’ll do is survey their premises, like all their washroom areas - because we’re aiming it at 2 specific industries: one is like leisure centers, swimming pools, gyms and places like that, and the other one is hotels and motels. First of all I’m doing the leisure center one and what we’ll do is, we’ll go out and survey all their toilets and all their various rooms and...