Mother is indeed the most beautiful gift of God to a child. She is the one who showers her child with unconditional love and support and asks absolutely nothing in return. No matter, how much you try, you can never ever repay your mother for all the kindness and self less love that she showers on you. Mother’s day is the right time when you can express your love for her and tell her how much you love her. You can show your love to her by doing something special for her on Mother’s day. There are many ways by which you can make her feel special. You can sing for her to give her a handmade gift. This is the time to take a trip down the memory lane, share your love with your mother and make her feel that she still holds the same place in your heart.

Mother is most important woman in every one's life and she is responsible for making you a better individual of tomorrow. So, the mother’s day gives us an opportunity to devote to all mothers in the world, and express honor and gratitude towards in the most significant way possible. The relationship of a mother and child goes through several up and down throughout the life. When you are a small kid, your mother is always your role model. Most small girls look upon their mothers as their goddess. They like dressing up as their mother, act like them and do every possible thing to imitate their mother. But, as time passes by, and kids grow up, they start taking mothers for granted and get busy in their own lives. However, mothers also remain the same, showering their love in the same selfless way. The moms are forever there for you at any time you need them.