One of the misconception I see most resale rights seller has it that they think by offering the resale rights products at a lower price, they will get more sales. Nothing can be further from the truth, you can actually increase your price and get more sales and I am going to show you how you can do that. It's all about Positioning. The way you present your offer will determine the sales your will be getting. Therefore you need to package your offer that nobody does. Remember the last time you went to a Hyatt Hotel to order a chicken chop that easily cost $18 or more while you can get the same chicken chop at $5 down the street. It is the same chicken chop but why it cost more. It is the way the restaurant position their chicken chop. They may position themselves as “The Most Tender Chicken Chop In Town” and as it is also serve in a different ambience, this give them the reason to charge more.

How about you? What is the reason you can give to charge more? How are you going to position your resale rights products? The way you can position yourself is to narrow your product to a specific target market. Create the presence in people mind by being the first only product available in the target market. What I mean by that is for example if you are a salesperson selling basketball and to make your basketball different is by positioning your basketball as “The Basketball Designed Specifically For Woman” which is not available anywhere. So every time any ladies thought of buying a basketball, your product will be the first one that comes to their mind because there is no other basketball that positions it this way. This is what I mean by creating a presence in people mind. You see most of the people that bought resale right product sell the product as it is and do no positioning with the product. You may come across people selling “Time Management” Ebook but how often do you see people selling “Time Management For Internet Marketer” or “Time Management For Pastor”. I guess not much right?