Want to get more people to like your content on social media and share it with their friends? Then it’s time to go right back to basics and to remember why people use social media in the first place. You need to remember what it is that social media is first and foremost. And what is it? It’s a form of communication. And communication is inherently about expression. Once you understand this, you’ll be able to better understand the psychology of sharing and thereby encourage people to share much more of your content.

So, read on… Why People Share So social media is about communication, which is about expression. This holds true in real life too – when we communicate, we are largely expressing something about our views, our feelings or our personality. We love to express ourselves and in fact, most of us are pretty Social Media Marketing Influence narcissistic. Given half a chance, we’ll almost always try to steer the topic onto something about us! And this is also apparent when you look around someone’s bedroom or home: it will be decorated with things that say things about them. It’s about their sense of style, their hobbies and interests and their families and friends. Your Facebook profile is very much an extension of this. And the things you share on your wall and the pictures you post are all about showing people what matters to you and what you like to do (or what you’d like them to think you like to do!).