You spot a completely attention-getting girl sitting by herself at a party, nonchalantly sipping on a glass of wine. You think to yourself, “She appears so utterly calm and confident.” However if you could read her mind, you'd see a bunch of scared thoughts and you may just be astonished that she’s thinking “are people discussing why I'm seated here alone?... Why don’t men find me attractive? …I don’t like my body, I look fat… I wish I was as smart as my best friend.”

We see a young business entrepreneur and state “what else could he need?” He stares at himself at the mirror and grumbles to himself, “I detest my eyes… I wonder why my friends won’t talk to me….” Isn’t it curious? We look at others, envy them for looking so atrociously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they consider us and think of the same thing. We're envious of others who themselves are envious of us. We suffer from low self-regard, lack of assurance and lose hope in self-improvement as we’re enveloped in hushed desperation. Occasionally, you may have an irritating habit like biting your nails or having a foul mouth, and you - of all individuals, is the last to know. I've an acquaintance that never gets sick of talking. And in most conversations, she's the only one who appears to be interested in the things she has to say. So all of our other acquaintances tend to avoid her, and she doesn’t notice how socially hindered she is.