Approximately 55 percent of all U.S. citizens suffer from allergies. But not all allergens are seasonal. Millions of Americans suffer from year -round allergens, such as dust mites, pet dander and mold, which can cause as much trouble for some patients as weeds do for others. This ebook was put together to give you some ideas on how to fight these allergens.

POLLEN Pollen is the dust like reproductive part of plants. It can easily be inhaled, and if you are one of 36 million Americans, this will cause allergic reactions. Here are some tips to help: 1. Avoid Early Ventures Outside Avoid going outside between 5-10am. This is when the pollen count is the highest. If you have a pollen allergy, the safest times to go out are late afternoon and immediately after rain. 2. Check Pollen Count Daily Pollen counts measure the amount of airborne allergens present in the air. They are reported as grains per cubic meter of air. Universities, medical centers and clinics provide these counts on a volunteer basis. 3. Turn Off Your Swamp Cooler People with severe pollen allergies may need to tough it out and keep that swamp cooler off during pollen season. Running swamp coolers can irritate allergy symptoms by dragging more pollen into the house.