The only medical fact that all experts and scientists across the world seem to agree on is this: It’s a MIRACLE that you are even alive long enough to read this report! Okay, that may sound a little trite, but here are the ‘facts’ according to results of many recent studies: • Vitamin A is good for you but will kill you if you have too much • Water is good for you but the high concentrations of chlorine and other additives will kill you • Sunlight provides much needed vitamin D…but will kill you with cancer The only medical fact that all experts and scientists across the world seem to agree on is this: It’s a MIRACLE that you are even alive long enough to read this report! Okay, that may sound a little trite, but here are the ‘facts’ according to results of many recent studies: • Vitamin A is good for you but will kill you if you have too much • Water is good for you but the high concentrations of chlorine and other additives will kill you • Sunlight provides much needed vitamin D…but will kill you with cancer • Milk is good for you, but the procedure for preservation makes it bad for you and could kill you • Fruit and vegetables are good for you, except that the kind you buy is genetically engineered and so it will probably kill you • Is there anything else left? Oh yes, air is good… …except the kind we breathe which is so polluted that it will kill you. Getting the message?

The bottom line is, if we allow ourselves to base our perceptions of health on popular research, we’ll probably worry ourselves into despair (…and then the worry will kill you) Let me make my standpoint perfectly clear. I have the utmost respect and greatest appreciation for our medical professionals and their training. Their work and research saves lives everyday and no one should ever substitute their judgment for that of trained professionals. With that being said, just because findings are published, doesn’t always mean that they are accurate or useful. Findings have a nasty habit of changing. The Secret Health Factor Butter was found to be healthy, then they announced that the cholesterol in butter would kill you, then they took that back and said it is beneficial but only in small doses – then they took *that* back…at this point in time, I don’t know where they stand, but I do know it will probably change again. The worst mistake you can make for your health is NOT eating the butter; the worst mistake would be condemning yourself if you do. Butter might go on to be proved to be unhealthy but fretting about every daily allowance and recommended dosage will wipe out your health faster than a dollop of butter any day! It’s the same with almost everything, including everything mentioned in the ‘killer’ list above.