The Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population contain a full set of information and recommendations about eating. Their purpose is to promote the health and well-being of people, families, communities, and the whole Brazilian population, now and in future. They replace a previous version published in 2006. These Guidelines are for all Brazilians. Some of these Brazilians will be workers whose job involves health promotion activities, such as health professionals, community workers, educators, capacity building trainers, as well as other professionals. These workers will be crucial with regard to the dissemination of the content of these Guidelines and to ensure that it is understood E\DOOLQFOXGLQJSHRSOHZKRKDYHGLI´FXOWLHVLQUHDGLQJ The hope is that these Guidelines will be used in people’s homes, in health facilities, in schools, and in all other places concerned with health and its promotion, such as community centres, social assistance reference centres, and headquarters of social movements.

Although the focus of these Guidelines is to promote health and prevent diseases, their recommendations may be useful WRWKRVHVXIIHULQJIURPVSHFL´FGLVHDVHV+RZHYHULQWKLVFDVH it is imperative that dieticians adapt the recommendations WRWKHVSHFL´FFRQGLWLRQVRIHDFKSHUVRQVXSSRUWLQJKHDOWK professionals in the organisation of nutritional care. 6SHFL´F GLHWDU\ JXLGDQFH IRU FKLOGUHQ XQGHU WKH DJH RI  consistent with the general recommendations of these Guidelines, is available in other publications of the Ministry of Health.