You are obviously ready to take your eBay buying and selling to the next level and I commend you for that. Now, this system works and can make you money, how much is only determined by the amount of time and energy you invest in it. I can show you this system and you could never look at it again.....or you could use this system right away and start finding some great items at unbeatable prices! If you do not have an eBay account you can sign up here. You have made an important decision to start generating income from one of the most popular websites online. eBay is the superior place to buy and sell online. With millions of transactions happening every hour there are endless opportunities to cash in. I want to make a few things clear right off the bat. I am not one to fill up pages with fluff that won’t help you put dollars in you pocket. Your time is valuable and I understand that. This book is not based on theory but actual proven practices that I have used and developed over my last couple of years on eBay. That being said it is important to remember that eBay is fluid marketplace that is ever changing. Just because there may not be exactly what you By Mike LeMoine Page 3 of 23 Auction Mercenary Making a killing off the mistakes of others! are looking for today does not mean that there will not be 50 of that item tomorrow.

As you begin to dive into this book keep an open mind. You may come up with something that works better for you. You may already have resources at your disposal and use bits and pieces of this book. Thanks for your time and let’s get started.