Hi there! I hope this Ebook finds you doing well and your ebiz prospering! I’m not going to beat around the bush. I realized this Ebook was necessary after my membership site (where I sell the resell rights to my original Eproducts to include Ebooks like this one) took off like a rocket! There are ebooks everywhere written about getting web traffic but a lot of them are so long and tedious that they don’t get read! My goal was to create the exact opposite. Additionally, there are resell products aplenty but no real guide to bringing in the traffic to one’s site to sell them; That’s where this Ebook steps in! This Ebook’s focus is on a common quandary; you find posts about it in forums all the time! Take this all-too-common scenario: An online biz owner (some call themselves ‘newbies’) comes upon a ton of Eproducts with resell rights and they’re eager to start selling. Upon trying their hand at Ebay, they find that digital products with resell rights are grossly over-circulated and under-valued. Gone is the adrenaline and promise that this newbie had first experienced. The cold hard truth sets in. They’re going to need to market their resellables somewhere other than Ebay... in other words, on their own web site.

(Note: While some folks bring in their income entirely from Ebay, I don’t recommend it. That’s like putting all of your eggs in one basket!) So, knowing that they need to setup a website, they do. Oftentimes, that first site attempt takes at least a week and the results are terrible! Hey, I’ll admit it. You could’ve blackmailed me with my first ten attempts. I had no idea what I was doing! But alas, that’s a different story in itself! Now how does creating a website tie in with pulling in traffic? Well, a lot of newbies think that if they build a site, that people will just automatically know to come and will herd to the site in droves!