I'm 22. I have no money. I have insane debt. I live at my parents' house. I have grandpa-glasses. I have what will develop later in life into a unibrow. I have a beer gut. I've got a big beard and a neck beard to go along with it. Yeah, a neck beard. Now imagine that in your mind, and I mean really imagine it. Is this the kind of person who has sex whenever he wants? Be totally honest. No? Wrong. Dead wrong. This is probably blowing your mind right now, and understandably so. This just isn't the image that Hollywood puts up on the big screen. We are bred to believe that only the George Clooneys and Brad Pitts of the world, with their big chins and sculpted bodies, attract, court, and have sex with beautiful women. We believe that the only people who are wrangling in hotties are the people who have absurd amounts of cash to spend - they have nice clothes, drink Grey Goose, go to the hottest clubs, and they even have a perfect tan in the middle of December.

This is a lie. It is simply not true. So how is it that a guy like me, who sports a beer belly and everyone says looks like a dad, get laid? To be honest, when I was first asked this question, I didn't really have an answer. Most men who have "luck", which is by the way a horrible misnomer, with women couldn't put their finger on exactly why. They would say, as I did: I don't know. I just be myself. “Be yourself,” they ask? What kind of answer is that?! Tell me what you do!