ABOVE THE FOLD - In Internet marketing terms it means whatever is above the entire page, or is the first thing people see when reaching the page. ACQUISITION COST - The acquisition cost is the average cost per new customer or per merchandise for a business. ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP)- Technology developed by Microsoft that allows scripts to be integrated into web pages. It helps to allow information to be integrated into web site via the use of forms, etc. ACTIVEX - Model for writing programs. ActiveX technology is used to make interactive web pages that look and behave like computer programs, rather than static pages. With ActiveX, users can ask or answer questions, use push buttons, and interact in other ways with the web page.

AD COPY - Writing that is specifically done for advertisements. The ad copy is often another term for actual text within an ad. The better the ad copy, the more chances it will bring in sales. ADN (Advanced Digital Network) - A leased data transmission line (56bps). AD ROTATION - When a web page shows a different ad at the top of the page each time it is viewed by a new person, or when the web page is refreshed. ADSENSE - A revenue sharing program ran by Google that allows you to place contextually relevant ads on your site and pays you when visitors click on the ads. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) - A line with a slower upload speed and higher download speed, e.g. downloads at up to1.544 megabits per second and uploads at, say, 128 kilobits Cyber A to Z Internet Marketing Dictionary Page4 Of 53 per second. Theoretically, speeds could be much higher. AD TRACKING - A method used to check how many hits or clicks an ad receives, as well as the particular demographic that most people click on the ad. It helps discovering where from the most revenue comes from, and how to better personalize the ads to reach more customers, and to encourage them to take action, via the ads published or produced. ADVERTISERS - Paying parties who want their company's ad on another website. ADVERTISING NETWORK - Business owners who work with other Internet businesses to agree to post their ads. You may notice a website selling an item that has another company's ad on their site; this means they are part of an advertising network, working together.