When I first got interested in ebooks I bought every ebook imaginable and spent a lot of money too. I would say around $2000.00. OUCH! I was obsessed to say the least. I would buy the ebooks and save them on my computer. I had a huge amount of ebooks. I was buying many many ebooks but not listing them let alone selling them. Finally, after I had spent all my money and then some, I realised I had to claw some of my expenditure back, so I decided to start selling all the ebooks I had. I honestly had no clue what I was doing. My computer was bulging at the seams and I finally realised I had to have some place to store my ebooks because my computer was breaking under the strain of all those ebooks it was kindly storing for me.

My first choice was to burn the ebooks onto CDs and that helped for a while. But I now had a large amount of CD's and no organization at all. I just labelled the CD's "Ebooks", and boy was I in trouble! That was a big big BIG mistake. So not realising my mistake I thought I had the perfect "storage system". So I began my task of listing my ebooks on ebay. It didn't take me long to realise that storing them on a CD was a nightmare because I was constantly searching for the ebooks I had sold, taking up precious hours of my time. There had to be an easier way, and there was, automated ebook delivery and as a bonus there was no postage or shipping costs! By Mary Russell Ebook Digital Delivery on eBay So I set out on a quest to find storage on the internet for my ebooks. The first one I found was free and it helped a lot. I had over 300 ebooks stored on a free file storage site and I had it a month when their site was so overloaded with people storing on it that their file storage system crashed and they informed me that they lost ALL my ebooks. You can imagine the nightmare I went through when that happened. People were buying my ebooks and getting an error message stating that file was not found. I had to hunt down the ebooks on CD and email it to them. Thank Goodness for the backups I did have on CD even though it was still hard for me to find the correct ebooks that had been purchased.