Bringing in the New Year is the world’s oldest remaining celebration. Historians think the ancient Babylonians were the first to mark the event approximately 4000 years ago! Since 46 B.C. when Caesar ordered that the calendar should begin in mid-winter, Western civilization has celebrated the New Year on January 1st. The Romans called the first month of their new calendar after Janus, their god of fresh origins. Portrayed with 2 faces, Janus was able to review the old year and frontward to the new one at the same time, representing learning from the past and acquiring hope for the future. Romans observed the New Year by giving each other branches from sacred trees to guarantee good luck and a favorable new beginning. Today’s New Year’s customs are fairly different from those of our Roman ancestors. Nowadays we watch football bowl games, take down holiday decorations and, naturally, make resolutions for the coming year!

According to, the 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions in the U.S. are: • Handle debt • Slim down • Get a better line of work • Get in better physical shape • Stop smoking • Drink less alcohol • Volunteer to help other people • Spend more time with loved ones and friends This book will cover finances. When making New Years resolutions, finances, Getting in shape, giving up smoking, academic and vocation goals are a couple of the areas were putting down particular targets is suggested