What is a Backend Product? No matter what type of business you are in, or whether you market your products online or offline, the backend offers are the ones which determine whether you are going to make marginal or staggering profits. Many business owners seldom realize how important reselling their existing customers is. They solely focus on acquiring as many new customers as possible. They fail to understand how revolutionary the backend marketing concept is. We must keep in mind that a ‘backend’ is different from an ‘upsell’, and not confuse the two.

The products or services you provide your customers with after the initial sale are referred to as ‘backend’. These products and services can be your own as well as of others, which you will be reselling. Usually initial sales are followed by backend offers after a certain time lapse. On the other hand, the additional products and services that are offered to customers while selling something and before the sale has been completed is known as ‘upsell’. Why Is The Money In The Backend? The reasons why applying the backend concept in your business can ensure unlimited profit are as follows: There will be no customer acquisition cost, as you will be selling to customers you have already acquired. You can cash in upon your goodwill. If you have properly established a firm relationship of trust between you and your customer, as general statistics show, about 35% of your customers will purchase from you again. For example: Suppose you sell information products. Assume that the selling price of your initial product (frontend) is $97, while its original cost price is $30. You run an advertisement for $600, which got you ten customers.