You’ve mastered several areas of internet marketing (though you might call it, in your cautious moments, “basic proficiency” rather than “mastery”). You know how to be an affiliate or run an affiliate program. You have at least one blog running. You’ve built a modest list. You’re finally learning to use your Autoresponder. Someone suggests you become a mentor. Most likely this happens because you helped them with the right information at the right time – delivered in a manner they could understand well enough to use. “I’m not ready”, you think. “I need to become a top Guru first.” Well, yes and no. You probably aren’t going to get too far setting up your “Hey, I’m A Mentor!” shingle if you’re brand new to internet marketing – but you certainly don’t have to be a top gun earning a six-figure income to offer your services, either! The truth is, you just have to know more than the person you are mentoring.

Mentoring doesn’t have to mean the usual high price ticket, in-depth, personal coaching offered sporadically by the top guns in internet marketing. It can be as simple as guiding a group of people in your niche through learning the same things you’ve invested your time and energy learning (just ahead of them!) And you’ll be doing it through a limited membership site. If you do this, rest assured you will actually profit from your own knowledge. (And not just financially.) After all, you invested the time, dedication and energy (and probably a lot of money too) to get to this point, ahead of them. You stuck with your marketing adventure through thick and thin to get to even considering becoming a mentor. It’s time to mentor yourself, and realize – you do have what it takes!