Louis Allport - Hi, I'm Louis Allport, and today I'm speaking with Neil Shearing of ScamFreeZone.com. Hi Neil, and thank you very much for being on the call today. Neil Shearing - Hi Louis, thanks for having me. LA - That's okay. I know you've been marketing online for a very long time - I think it may even be more than 10 years. What we're going to focus on in this interview in particular is autopilot income. We will look at how to create sites that generate income both quickly or over a longer period of time. But most importantly, these are sites that require very little work and very little upkeep. So, okay first of all, if we can just briefly talk about your background and particularly your Internet business history? NS - Okay, I first found out about the Internet in... it was about 1996 I think, so we're going back an awful lot of years. And it was in a lab, a science lab in Chicago - because I was basically a scientist up until that point. I remember someone saying, "Oh yeah you need to get online, you need to do this stuff." And I was, "What's this Internet thing about?" So they pulled me over to the computer and they said, "Yeah it's great you can find anything. Type in your home town." So I did, I typed in the name of my home town and it came up with zero results, and this was probably Infoseek or Alta Vista because I don't think Google was around back then. And I've just repeated the same search online now just to put it in context and it came back with like 603,000 results for my hometown. But when I first discovered the Internet there was zero, which shows the growth of the Internet.

I remember deconstructing the GeoCities.com homepage to try and work out how their tables all fit together to make their page - I was teaching myself HTML. So I was playing around with some free GeoCities.com pages, and then GeoCities was subsequently bought out by Yahoo in 1999. And after putting up a few personal pages I thought I could start maybe writing a report and try to sell it online.