The term arbitrage is the practice of buying something with a price difference in two markets. Don’t worry that is just the technical term! There are many types of arbitrage in real life but what I will explain here in this guide is how to buy and sell online adverts and earning a huge profit whilst doing so. In this guide I will show you how to profit from buying traffic from a website that directs to your site and selling advertising space on your website, using this simple technique the potential for money making is unlimited. You may be overwhelmed by now with the technicalities but don’t worry I will soon be explaining everything in a step by step fashion that will get you so excited with the possibilities of this system.

To keep things simple right now I want you to imagine that you will be soon buying a press release for just $19 and selling the traffic you get space to someone else for $50 in the process making $31 in profit!! This is rather easy to achieve on the internet in fact many people managed to profit from this system in the 1990’s when google introduced adsense and adwords. Many people started getting traffic to high paying adverts via adsense on their website with that same traffic. Using this system people became rich overnight however Google found out about this and decided to ban this in fact it is very difficult nowadays to get any traffic to high paying niches either from search engines, adwords or any other system!, but I stumbled upon an even more efficient way to use this system which is even easier and less complicated. is the website I will be using in my examples, I chose because it was so easy to register with them, they are not so fussy about paying directly to your paypal account on time every month. Whilst I suggest using to get traffic to your site. You may alternatively replace bidvertiser with adsense on your website instead but that is up to you.