There is an invisible talisman (mental attitude) that has 2 amazing powers: it has the power to draw in wealth, success, happiness and wellness; and it has the power to drive back these things — to rob you of all that makes life worth living. It's the first of these powers, that lets a few men climb to the top and remain there. It's the second that keeps other men at the bottom all their lives. It's the later that pulls still other men down from the top when they've accomplished it. A Place To Begin You must learn to develop the habit of recognizing, relating, assimilating and utilizing universal precepts and adopt them as your very own. Then follow through with desirable action. And what are the precepts you might apply? They may be learned and applied by youngsters and grownups: Greatness comes to those who acquire a burning desire to accomplish high goals.

Success is accomplished and maintained by those who try and keep going with a positive mental attitude. To become an expert achiever in any human action, it requires practice . . . practice . . . practice. Effort and work may become amusing once you establish particular desirable goals.