1)READ THE RECIPE FIRST It is easy to get carried away by the baking impulse when you see the tempting image of a luscious cake in a magazine or recipe book. However, it is vital to read a recipe all the way through before you start. The main questions to ask yourself are: “Do I have all the ingredients?” and “Do I have time to make this?” 2)ROOMTEMPERATURE EGGS Using room-temperature eggs, even when the recipe does not specifically call for them, is particularly important when you need volume in a cake or dessert. This is because roomtemperature eggs can be whisked more easily, resulting in a light, airy texture. 3)SOFTENED BUTTER Baking recipes often call for softened or roomtemperature butter. When this is the case, take the butter out of the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before you start baking. Softened butter creams more easily with sugar, creating a light, fluffy texture with little effort