You're about to learn why this little tid bit of information tops my list of "Don'ts". The internet is a vast, and I do mean vast, source of information plastered all over the place. And the Internet Marketing field is no different. You're likely to see 2,000 products all on the same subject. Each one of the authors claiming that THEIR product is better than all the rest because of X-Y-Z reasons. Let me explain something to you right now before I continue on. . . .

Internet Marketing is just like a magic trick. Every Internet Marketer that's worth their weight in hundred dollar bills knows that it's all in the presentation. Just like a magician. I mean, if you could sneak backstage and see how the magic is performed, you'd lose interest in the actual trick. My point is this. . . . If you knew what these top Internet Marketing pros did to create the "smoke-and-mirror" effects, then the product they were advertising would seem less than amazing.