When you first set out on your journey to making money from the internet, there is no doubt an awful lot of stuff going on and market ‘noise’ that is likely to do a lot more to confuse than help you. This is a result of the fact that there are hundreds of marketers out there, each of whom has their own ideas about the best way of making money online and every one of them is more than happy to ‘announce’ to the world just how good their ideas or their system are. Most commonly of course, they are selling that information, hence the clamor of marketers who are all trying to announce how outstanding their idea or product is just that little bit louder than the next man (or woman) can shout about theirs.

But in truth, it is best to ignore most of the noise and hubbub, because in online marketing as in so many other aspects of life, the best ideas, the ones that are the most workable or doable just happen to be the simplest ideas too. After you have observed online marketing for a while, you will begin to appreciate that many marketers seem to delight in making things more complex than is really necessary, and that there is a reason for this.