When we teamed up to create this cookbook as a fundraising tool for food banks across the United States, our goal was to have a beautiful book full of healthy delicious recipes that would !t easily into everyday life. We did it! Over thirty amazing food bloggers have contributed nutritious recipes and stunning food photography to !ll these pages. eir recipes are all as healthy and fresh as we’d hoped. When you cook from this book you’ll know that your family is getting the nutrients they need. Our purpose for creating this book was so that food banks across the United States could use it to increase donations during Hunger Action Month, September 2014. We therefore wanted the recipes to be affordable as well as healthy and delicious. e contributing bloggers did a great job with this and most of the recipes in the book are under $3.00 per serving. Whether you’re new to slow cooking or have used your beloved slow cooker for years, the affordability of these recipes probably isn’t a surprise to you; the brilliant thing about using a slow cooker is that it turns more humble meats, legumes and vegetables into mouthwatering meals. And that’s what you’ll !nd in this book: Mouthwatering meals that are healthy, affordable and easy to make.

Recipes that we know your family will love as much as ours do. If you like the recipes in this book, please !nd us, the food bloggers who contributed recipes to the book, online and in social media so that you can see more of the delicious dishes coming out of our kitchens. We look forward to hearing your feedback and to continuing the conversation about slow cooking and healthy low-cost meals.