Ground Turkey Omelette Serves Ingredients 8 large, fresh egg whites 2 large whole eggs 2 small, raw onions, diced 3 oz. ground, raw turkey 1 1/2 cups canned kidney beans, drained (any type) 1 c. chopped green bell peppers 1 c. chopped red bell peppers 1 c. raw mushrooms, sliced 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 dash ground black pepper. 1 tsp. hot pepper sauce. 1 tsp. ground turmeric 3 cloves raw garlic, minced 1 tsp. worcestershire sauce

Directions Saute’ turkey, vegetables and spices - except turmeric - in a non-stick skillet w/1 tsp olive oil until tender. In mixing bowl, whip the eggs, egg whites and turmeric together. Pre-heat 2 tsp olive oil in a second skillet, then add 1/4 egg mixture and cook until omelet is formed. Repeat to make 4 omelettes. Place 1 omelette on plate, top with 1/2 of the turkey mixture, then place 1 omelette on top to form a sandwich. Repeat to form 2nd sandwich. Serve hot. Nutritional Information Calories (Per Serving): 508 Protein (g): 42 Carbohydrates (g): 50.5 Fat (g): 17 Carb - Protein - Fat % Ratio: 39 % - 32% - 29% The perfect omelettes you’re served in restaurants are flipped. Flipping an omelette is a skill that takes some practice to master. If you’ve never done it before, you may have a mess on your hands. A simpler solution is to use a rubber spatula to gently lift up the layer of cooked eggs, and let the uncooked, liquid portion slide underneath. Hold the pan underneath the broiler for a few moments to completely set the top.