Studies show that the health benefits from following a diet that focuses on a daily intake of fruit and vegetables include weight loss; diabetes control; lowered insulin secretion; improved sports performance; and reduced risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cancer. Studies show that the health benefits from following a diet that focuses on a daily intake of fruit and vegetables include weight loss; diabetes control; lowered insulin secretion; improved sports performance; and reduced risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cancer.

Think of your body as a high performance sports car, a top of the line machine that needs the right fuel to function at an optimal level. If we don’t get the proper fuel into our machine, it will eventually start to break down. We eat to receive energy and nutrients and to support growth and repair and help protect our immune system from the risk of disease. If you give your body the right environment and adopt healthy habits, you have the power to change your health in the future There are six lifestyle behaviours that have the greatest influence to our health and how we age. They are: • eating healthily • getting regular exercise • getting enough sleep • not smoking • maintaining a healthy weight, and • not drinking alcohol or drinking it in moderation