
You love dogs, but sometimes you cannot stand their troublesome behaviors. This Brain Training For Dogs will be your lifesaver. No matter your dog's problems, this system will remove your dog's bad behaviors.

Do you find these familiar: your dogs chewing, digging, jumping, pulling the leash, etc.? If yes, you are in the right place.

What is it?

Brain Training For Dogs is a scientific program to unlock your dogs' hidden intelligence. It was created by Adrienne Farricelli, and a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer.

Adrienne Farricelli has the last ten years of training dogs, so she knows how to discover your pet's hidden intelligence. This long experience and the battlefield-tested system will eliminate behavioral problems.

One feature making this system unique is its science-based techniques. Unlike other programs which use dominant activities, this method is gentle and force-free. With enough mental stimulation, we will create a bond between you and your dogs and change your pet's naughty behaviors.

Brain Training For Dogs (Hình ảnh đã được chỉnh sửa)

How Does It Work?

The underlying principle of Brain Training For Dogs is pretty simple. Some leading universities, including Harvard, have developed the idea of "neuroplasticity" in the human brain, and dogs are no exception.

Brains are like plastic bags; they can change and adapt to new information. It means your dogs can form and adopt new habits and behaviors. They will understand you better and listen to you.

Should you continue the program, these desirable habits in your dogs will alter the old ones. Pretty quick, you will see your obedient dogs with no naughty habits.

Program Modules


The first step is essential to open the brain's awesomeness. In this module, you will learn "Target Train" to get your pet's attention.

Playing the simple 'airplane game' with rewards and pleasure will keep your dog's focus. Then, with the "magic little way", your dogs will look into your eyes, creating strong communication.


After mastering the first module, we will use your pet’s senses to form commands step-by-step. Playing the "treasure hunt game" with your dogs will keep them not bored, the main reason for misbehavior. Then, we will stimulate the brain with "The muffin game".

If you find it hard with those two activities, you can use "The ball pit game" to release their energy, making it easier.


Now it is time for your pet to learn patience and calmness before attractive activities. Your dogs will behave better when you give them mental stimulation with the "bottle game" and exercise.

"Bobbing for treats" with the rewards will excite your dogs. They will no longer fear the water and behave well for a long time.


Shell Game with your dogs (Hình ảnh đã được chỉnh sửa)

This module will help your dogs focus on your command. You will see how your pets can develop their mental agility by playing the "shell game".

Then the "open sesame game" will practice his calmness and patience in front of open doors. To ensure long-term memories of dexterity and patience, we will play the "magic carpet game" with them.


This stage will trigger your pet's intelligence and help him control impulses. Inside the module, you will discover that the "hide and seek" and the "hot and cold game" will heighten the confidence in your dogs.

They will also learn to stop barking at strangers or other dogs over a window by the "look at that game."

Hide and Seek (Hình ảnh đã được chỉnh sửa)


After this module, you can impress your friends as your dogs get to learn advanced skills. They can perform advanced leg-weaving skills and pick out toys by their name. With the "Serpentines and spirals game", your dogs will stick to you even where there is a distraction.


As the name suggests, your pet now is a genius. Your family and friends will find it interesting that your dog can clean up after playing. The module also allows your dogs to learn the "piano game," and they will shock you at how intelligent they are.


  • A force-free method to remove your dogs' bad behaviors, including constant barking, chewing, digging, or jumping.
  • Performing tricks such as dancing, taking a bowl, rolling over, and much more.
  • Including the online course, seven trick training videos, Obedience 101 Training, polishing up training, Adrienne's Archive, and a private forum.
  • Affordable


  • Need to read a lot
  • Need some supplies that are available in your house.


Brain Training For Dogs will much more than eradicate naughty behaviors of your dogs. It will discover hidden intelligence and strengthen the bond between you and your pets. Now you dont need to listen to your neighbors complain about your dogs' pee or poop.

So contact us now and turn your dogs into obedient ones.